

đź‘‹ Welcome to the documentation page!

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coming soon when i have the patience to write this section

Custom emojis

const success_emoji = "<:success:1102349129390248017>";
const warn_emoji = "<:warn:1102349145106284584>";
const fail_emoji = "<:fail:1102349156976185435>";


    ? = Optional parameter (|default value)
    @ = User mention
    # = Channel mention

*PL: Permission Levels
    -1 = Superuser
    0 = None
    1 = Highest (usually “Admin”)
    2 = Higher (usually “Moderator”)
    3 = Lowest (usually “Staff/Helper”)


PL* Command Parameters* Description
— /ping — Displays latency.


PL* Command Parameters* Description
— coming soon — —


PL* Command Parameters* Description
1 /ban <@user> <?reason> Bans a guild member.
2 /kick <@user> <?reason> Kicks a guild member.
3 /purge <amount> Deletes <amount> messages from a channel.
3 /slowmode <interval> <?#channel|#> <?reason> Sets the rate limit to <interval> seconds in a channel.
3 /timeout <@user> <duration> <?reason> Times out a member for <duration>. e.g. 3s, 2m, 1h.
3 /untimeout <@user> <?reason> Removes the time out from a member.


PL* Command Parameters* Description
— /cvss — Common Vulnerability Scoring System string generator.
3 /disconnect <?@user|@> <?all|false> Disconnects a member from a channel.
3 /disconnectall <?#channel|#> Disconnects all members in a channel.
— /help — Displays help.
3 /move <#channel> <?@user|@> <?all|false> Moves a user to a channel. Optionally move all the users along.
— /profile <@user> Shows information about a user.
— /send <message> <?#channel|#> <?typing|true> Sends <message> in a channel.

Utility/math - subcommands

PL* Command Parameters* Description
— /math average — Calculate the average of rational numbers

Utility/random - subcommands

PL* Command Parameters* Description
— /voice coinflip — Coinflip! Returns 0 or 1.
— /voice number <?min|0> <?max|100> Random number.

Utility/voice - subcommands

PL* Command Parameters* Description
3 /voice deaf — Deafens the bot.
— /voice join — Joins the bot in a channel.
— /voice leave — Leaves the bot from a channel.
3 /voice mute — Mutes the bot.


PL* Command Parameters* Description
-1 /test - -
— /tictactoe — Game of tictactoe.
— /typing — Sends the typing indicator.


PL* Command Parameters* Description
-1 /sudo blacklist <@user> Adds a user to the bot’s blacklist.
-1 /sudo msg <@user> <message> Talk privately with a guild member through the bot.
-1 /sudo nuke coming soon Nukes a server (protected command).
-1 /sudo presence_clear — Clears the bot’s presence.
-1 /sudo presence <type> <text> <status> <?url> Edits the bot’s presence.
-1 /sudo status <type> Edits the bot’s status.
-1 /sudo stop <?reason> <?heartbeat|false> Stops the bot. Set <?heartbeat> to true to stop the heartbeat